Portfolio Categories: progetti 3d

2010-FACE to face

FACE to face Faces designed and modeled for fashion collections “They lived”  in showrooms and shop windows for stylists like: Armani.Gucci, Fendi, Missoni,...

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2019 – SottoSopra

SOTTOSOPRA Nella nostra visita al parco, in due calde giornate di giugno, ci siamo accorti di come il tracciato del passaggio di Vaia sia rimasto ancora ben...

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2010-MEN-nobody else

Men’s Collections Dummies designed and modeled for fashion collections “They lived”  in showrooms and shop windows for stylists like: Armani.Gucci, Fendi,...

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2010-WOMEN-nobody else

Women’s Collections Dummies designed and modeled for fashion collections “They lived”  in showrooms and shop windows for stylists like: Armani.Gucci,...

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2020-SHOP WINDOWS- design projects

Special projects for shop windows For stylists like:                                                                                                Armani.Gucci, Fendi,...

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The art and the senses
Every means has its limits:
the music is blind,
the painting is silent
the paralytic sculpture

pelle.chiara75@gmail.com || 333 00 00 333
© 2019 Chiara Pellegrini Sculptor All rights reserved
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