2007 – Courses Parth Routes – Digital print 300 x 14,5

Project description
Courses earth routes
“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”
Isaac Newton.
Often up in the mountains, towards peaks or along less trodden paths, instead of classical road signs you start to find different kind of signs: traces of different color on the tree trunks, and when there are no trees you find rocks piled up by people, forming a track, indicating a possible direction.
There is a different way of feeling in the mountains, when you walk without breath and fatigue.
Often there are more paths to follow, marked by people who passed before you, tracks that became river beds or lost with the change of seasons.
In the most difficult stretches, rocks become object you can hold in your hand, just like a tool is shaped by the hand that uses it and vice-versa… grips
a place where you can trust yourself
(first picture Monviso rivers from above little men)
The gaze gets a different depth, just like in the perspective depth of a Leonardo’s painting you enter a dimension that tastes of earth and sky, the empty becomes thick, words become breath, the distance becomes proximity.
Photographed places:
1°-2° Corsica Calanches, 3°/8° Val Maira Monviso, 9°-10° Val Grande, 11° Grigna, 12°/15° Dolomiti Orientali Pelmo
The piece of work “Rotte percorsi di terra” was selected for the Quotidiana07.
The 13th edition of an art show in partnership with GAI, for young contemporary artists.
Padova, former slaughterhouse, Via A. Cornaro n°1 from October 25th
to November 30tj 2007.
Curators and catalogue by Guido Bartorelli, Teresa Iannotta, Stefania Schiavon
Technical features:
Photographic strip measuring 300×14,5 cm mounted on “poliplat”
Created in: 2007